Monday, March 22, 2010

What Ticks you off?

I went to Pataskala to see my sister over the weekend. Everything was great, I spent the $100 dollar gift card to Target my sister got me for Christmas, I got awesome clothes ( CONVERSE ALL THE WAY), and I was able to spend time with my sister.

Everything was perfect, until lunch. We went to Max and Erma's over there. We had to wait 5 minutes for the host to notice us waiting, heck the host didn't even come out it was the manager hoping we would stay. When the manager sat us we had to wait about 15 minutes for a server to come and ask us what we wanted. It took about 20 minutes for our food to come out, I ordered a Cheeseburger, when we got the food, I looked at my burger, and I noticed the cheese, was just like a half of a millimeter thick, no it wasn't even that, it was more like a half of a half of a millimeter thick. I could see the burger through the cheese. Normally I would be kinda ok with it, but what ticks me off is THEY CHARGED ME EXTRA FOR THAT THIN SLICE OF CHEESE. They charged me a whole dollar for that... I was ticked.

That story was to bring up my question, what ticks you off?
Is it how friends ruin your chances with a guy or a girl by saying inside jokes around them.
Is it when someone asks questions on a stupid blog?
Is it something completely different?
Tell me, Leave a Comment.

Oh and on a unrelated note, I Bought a microphone for my laptop the other day so probably by Saturday I am gonna make a youtuber video. If you want I'll post a link to it on here.... though it might not be appropriate.
well bye guys, wish me luck on the tennis team.

Friday, March 5, 2010


I finanlly have a job!!

I got hired at the Muskingum Valley Scout Reservation, as the Scoutcraft instructor (tough job to get).

I have to spend 9-10 weeks out at good ole' MVSR (which is just out side fo town). I will only have Saturdays, and parts of Sunday off on a weekly basis, but all the other time I'm gonna be working my butt off.

This is my first job, and since i'm gonna be a first year staff member I might get stuck cleaning out the KYBO ( stands for Keep Your Bowels Open, its our bathrooms out there). Its gonna be fun, not.

I'm gonna be spending 9 weeks out at camp with a group of other teenagers just chilling in the Staff Camp when I can. It will be AWESOME.

This isn't a rant at all, so tell me, what is your job, and if you don't have a job what job do you want?

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

This is My New Blog

Apparently There was a glitch in the Blogger site's Server, and they apparently deleted my email from the system. So I have to make a New Blog, so here it is?

I Hate glitches, I mean seriously, its never a good glitch like:
I walk to the bank, look at my account, and there is like $10,000,000 more then there should be.
It is always bad things like:
I walk to the bank, look at my account, there is like $10,000,000 less then i have on there (which that would put me in the negative by like $9,999,999 get it, its saying i'm poor)

But seriously, Glitches are never fun when it comes to accounts. But glitches in like video games, its fun to exploit them. I've played games that had glitches that were so cool, like Sonic Adventure 2 Battle for the Gamecube, there was a glitch in there that was AWESOME!

I'm Sorry Mrs. Borton, I'm gonna need the class link list so I can get this blog site up to class standards.

I guess this is my rant for the day, can you guys look at a video for me, its for Video Production, there is some noise to it, so be careful, give me your honest opinion. Well my question for you today is a two parter.
1. Have you ever Experienced something that literally made you go crazy with rage?
2. Have you ever Experienced something as horrible as this video?