Wednesday, April 7, 2010


After 10 long years of Scouting, Tuesday April 6th, I have finally become an Eagle Scout.

Tuesday was my lucky day. I Am so happy about everything that happened!

First it started off like no big deal. I was standing by the pop machine and waited for someone, after 10 minutes, of no one using the pop machine, 70 cents fell out, either that was amazing Luck or the mechanics failed, eitehr way, I bought Myself a pop.

Then My tennis partner was at a funeral, and it just so happens, that even if he showed up to the game we didn't have to play at all, because Claymonts team only had 9 people, whereas we have 20 people. So, I didn't need to worry about playing that night.

Then I had my Eagle Board Of Review, After about 30 minutes of Questioning, the board approved of my entry to the Eagle Scout Rank.

Then after all that, around 11 pm I was texting a girl I like, and I asked her to do something over the weekend, She said yes, so i'm really happy.

But, wait it gets better, after I finished texting her, a friend of mine texted me, a friend who I thought was dead (she attempted suicide, passed out, I didn't know she passed out and anything past that, her friend found her took her to the hospital) at first i was like, wow its from beyond the grave!!! She explained everything.

Tuesday was my lucky day.
Have you ever had that kinda day?
Where everything went your way, and you received unexpected news?

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